Exhibit 99.2








  Balance Sheet
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H.  

Assets  30.09.2020   31.12.2019 
   EUR   TEUR 
A. Fixed Assets          
I. Intangible assets          
1. Software   0,00    0 
II. Property, plants and equipment          
1. Office furniture and equipment   1.673,64    0 
    1.673,64    0 
B.    Current Assets          
I. Accounts receivable and other assets          
1. Accounts receivable trade   396,03    4 
of which with a residual term of more than one year   0,00    0 
2. Other receivables and assets   58.440,13    157 
 of which with a residual term of more than one year    5.400,00    0 
    58.836,16    162 
II. Cash at banks   642.620,36    571 
    701.456,52    732 
C.    Deferred items   1.548,12    0 
Total assets   704.678,28    733 


Liabilities  30.09.2020   31.12.2019 
   EUR   TEUR 
A.    Negative Equity          
I. Called-up nominal capital   52.186,07    52 
subscribed share capital   52.186,07    52 
nominal capital paid up   52.186,07    52 
II. Net loss   -3.793.557,72    -3.256 
Of which loss carried forward   -3.255.628,38    -4.912 
    -3.741.371,65    -3.203 
B.    Reserves          
1. Other reserves   1.925.698,03    1.543 
C.    Contributions from silent partners   1.190.000,00    1.190 
D.    Liabilities          
1. Trade accounts payabale   219.436,01    92 
of which with a residual term of up to one year   219.436,01    92 
of which with a residual term of more than one year   0,00    0 
2. other liabilities   1.110.915,89    1.111 
of which from taxes   8.091,25    3 
of which from social security   7.205,98    7 
of which with a residual term of up to one year   1.110.915,89    1.111 
    1.330.351,90    1.203 
of which with a residual term of up to one year   1.330.351,90    1.203 
of which with a residual term of more than one year   0,00    0 
Total liabilities   704.678,28    733 


Haimerl Hörler Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater GmbH Seite 2




  Income Statement
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. vom 1. January 2020 to 30. Sept. 2020


   2020   2019 
   EUR   TEUR 
1. Other operating income   738.224,19    323 
2. Costs of materials and other purchased services          
  a) Costs of materials   5.117,00    5 
  b) Costs of purchased services   355.840,79    285 
    360.957,79    290 
3. Personnel expenses          
  a) Wages and salaries   276.135,89    467 
  of which salaries of management   183.130,22    339 
  b) Social security expenses   59.604,79    83 
    335.740,68    550 
4. Depreciation and amortization          
  a) on intangible and tangible fixed assets          
    1.263,64    1 
5. other operating expenses   508.311,16    404 
6. Subtotal of items 1 through 5 (operating result)   -468.049,08    -921 
7. other interest and similar income   34,31    24 
8. interest and similar expenses   68.914,57    8 
9. Subtotal of items 7 through 8 (financial result)   -68.880,26    16 
10. Earnings before taxes (sum of items 6 and 9)   -536.929,34    -905 
11. Taxes on income   1.000,00    1 
12. Profit after tax   -537.929,34    -906 
13. Net loss for the year   -537.929,34    -906 
14. Release of capital reserves   0,00    2.562 
15. Loss carried forward from the previous year   -3.255.628,38    -4.912 
16. Accumulated loss   -3.793.557,72    -3.256 


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Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H.       List of fAssets


       Acquisition/production costs           Accumulated depreciation           Book values 
   Status   Additions   Disposals   Reclassifications   Status   Status   Depreciation   Allocations   Disposals   Status   Status   Stand 
   01.01.2020               30.09.2020   01.01.2020               30.09.2020   01.01.2020   30.09.2020 
   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR   EUR 
A. Fixed assets                                                            
I. Intangible assets                                                            
1. Software   8.652,00    0,00    0,00    0,00    8.652,00    8.652,00    0,00    0,00    0,00    8.652,00    0,00    0,00 
II. Property, plant and equipment                                                            
1. Office furniture and equipment   7.272,41    2.284,15    0,00    0,00    9.556,56    6.820,62    1.062,30    0,00    0,00    7.882,92    451,79    1.673,64 
    15.924,41    2.284,15    0,00    0,00    18.208,56    15.472,62    1.062,30    0,00    0,00    16.534,92    451,79    1.673,64 


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Notes on the Balance
Sheet and Income





  Notes on the balance sheet and income
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement


1 Notes on the balance sheet and income statement


A. Fixed Assets          
I. Intangible Assets          
Changes in book value:          
Status 01.01.2020        0,00 
Status 30.09.2020        0,00 


    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Website   0,00    0,00 


II. Property, Plant and Equipment          
Changes in book value:          
Status 01.01.2020        451,79 
Addition        2 284,15 
Depreciation and amortization        -1 062,30 
Status 30.09.2020        1 673,64 


    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Office equipment, computer systems   1 673,64    451,79 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement

B. Current assets                
1. Accounts receivable trade                
      30.09.2020       31.12.2019  
      EUR       EUR  
Creditors with debit accounts     396,03       4 300,00  


I. Receivables and other assets                
2. Other receivables and assets                


      30.09.2020       31.12.2019  
       EUR        EUR  
Receivable research premium     51 230,06       146 003,91  
Deposits     5 400,00       5 400,00  
Settlement VAT     1 810,07       3 813,43  
Input tax Germany     0,00       1 117,20  
Settlement account Sperl     0,00       675,00  
Other receivables     0,00       146,25  
Settlement account Obermayr     0,00       58,75  
      58 440,13       157 214,54  


II. Cash at banks          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Erste Bank 823-175-016   542 319,96    470 239,34 
Deposit account Erste Bank   50 300,40    100 298,78 
Deposit account Erste Bank 823-175-016/02   50 000,00    0,00 
    642 620,36    570 538,12 


C. Accruals and deferrals          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
     EUR    EUR 
accrued income   1 548,12    318,32 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement


A. Negative equity          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Called-up share capital   52 186,07    52 186,07 
Subscribed share capital   52 186,07    52 186,07 
Paid-in share capital   52 186,07    52 186,07 
Net loss   -3 793 557,72    -3 255 628,38 
Of which loss carried forward   -3 255 628,38    -4 911 609,00 
    -3 741 371,65    -3 203 442,31 
Development of net loss:          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Profit/loss for the year   -537 929,34    1 655 980,62 
Loss carried forward from previous years   -3 255 628,38    -4 911 609,00 
    -3 793 557,72    -3 255 628,38 


B. Reserves                         
Composition and development:                        
    Status                   Status 
    01.01.2020    Use    Release    Allocation    30.09.2020 
    EUR    EUR    EUR    EUR    EUR 
Other reserves   1 543 383,41    34 108,82    103,60    416 527,04    1 925 698,03 


Composition and development of other reserves:          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Reserves for repayment aws   1 000 000,00    956 317,00 
Reserves for premiums   500 887,72    479 808,15 
Reserves for repayment FFG   276 108,12    0,00 
Reserves for third-party services   63 045,84    60 998,84 
Vacation reserves   27 941,84    11 259,42 
Other reserves   23 000,00    15 000,00 
Reserves for advisory board fees   20 000,00    20 000,00 
Reserves for special payments   14 714,51    0,00 
    1 925 698,03    1 543 383,41 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement


C.   Capital contributions silent partners          
    30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Capital contributions atypical silent partner ACP 2016   400 000,00    400 000,00 
Capital contributions atypical silent partner ACP 2015   275 000,00    275 000,00 
Capital contributions atypical silent partner ACP 2016.eins   265 000,00    265 000,00 
Capital contributions atypical silent partner ACP 2017   250 000,00    250 000,00 
    1 190 000,00    1 190 000,00 


D.   Liabilities        
1.   Accounts payable trade        
   30.09.2020   31.12.2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Deferral accounts payable trade   183 481,23    36 466,10 
Trade payables EU   31 574,76    34 317,31 
Trade payables third countries   2 472,74    0,00 
Trade payables domestic   1 907,28    21 278,64 
    219 436,01    92 062,05 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


2.   Other liabilities        
   30.09.2020   31.12.2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Loan FFG   1 095 044,00    1 095 044,00 
Balance payroll taxes   8 091,75    8 249,41 
Social security providers   7 205,98    7 118,02 
Balance credit card   324,66    5 854,40 
Remaining other liabilities   250,00    0,00 
Balance tax office   -0,50    -5 446,21 
    1 110 915,89    1 110 819,62 


of which from taxes  30.09.2020   31.12.2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Balance charges linked to salaries and wages   8 091,75    8 249,41 
Balance tax offices   -0,50    -5 446,21 
    8 091,25    2 803,20 


Of which relating to social security   30.09.2020    31.12.2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Social security providers   7 205,98    7 118,02 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


Income Statement


1.   Other operating income        
      Income from the release of reserves        
   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Release other reserves   103,60    77 003,23 


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Grant FFG - Covid 19   586 150,00    0,00 
Grant Wirtschaftsagentur Research 18-21   100 000,00    100 000,00 
Other operational income (non-taxable)   51 230,06    146 003,91 
Exchange gains foreign currency transactions   712,96    0,00 
Other operational income   27,57    83,52 
    738 120,59    246 087,43 


2.   Costs of material and other purchased manufacturing services          
a.   Costs of material          
    2020    2019 
    EUR    EUR 
Laboratory chemicals   5 117,00    4 730,00 


b.   Costs of purchased services        
   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Third-party services from abroad, reverse charge   354 960,79    269 648,42 
Third-party services   880,00    15 522,99 
Exchange losses foreign currency transactions   0,00    18,26 
Cash discounts 20% other services EU   0,00    -303,26 
    355 840,79    284 886,41 


Haimerl Hörler Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater GmbH 10




  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


3.    Personnel costs        
a.    Wages and salaries        
   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Salaries (management)   155 571,39    198 000,00 
Salaries   55 206,00    74 666,40 
Special payments (management)   27 558,83    36 500,00 
Change in vacation provision (white-collar employees)   16 682,42    4 599,42 
Special payments (white-collar employees)   11 124,54    28 764,83 
Bonuses and commission (white-collar employees)   6 300,90    8 401,20 
Wages   3 150,00    3 420,00 
Special payments (blue-collar workers)   541,81    570,00 
Changes in reserves for bonuses and premiums (management)   0,00    104 960,24 
Changes in reserves for bonuses and premiums   0,00    7 230,00 
    276 135,89    467 112,09 


Of which salaries of management        
   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Salaries (management)   155 571,39    198 000,00 
Special payments (management)   27 558,83    36 500,00 
Changes in reserves for bonuses and premiums (management)   0,00    104 960,24 
    183 130,22    339 460,24 


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  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


b.   Social expenses      


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Statutory social expenses (white-collar employees)   38 411,66    52 099,46 
Employer contribution (white-collar employees)   9 408,33    13 506,90 
Municipal tax (white-collar employees)   7 237,14    10 389,95 
Company pension fund (white-collar employees)   3 691,05    5 296,13 
Vienna employer levy (subway, white-collar employees)   312,00    416,00 
Voluntary social expenses   207,52    879,21 
Employer contribution (blue-collar workers)   136,50    155,66 
Municipal tax (blue-collar workers)   105,00    119,70 
Company pension fund (blue-collar workers)   53,59    61,04 
Statutory social expenses (blue-collar workers)   42,00    47,88 
   59 604,79   82 971,93 



4.   Depreciation and amortization      


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   1 062,30    368,62 
low-value tangible fixed assets   201,34    145,00 
Depreciation of intangible fixed assets   0,00    0,28 
   1 263,64   513,90 



Haimerl Hörler Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater GmbH 12




  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


5. Other operational expenses          


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Repayment FFG Grant   276 108,12    0,00 
Legal, consulting and auditing fees   171 076,20    173 363,50 
Expenses for rent, licenses and patents   26 676,48    55 755,67 
Expenditure for insurance   8 886,71    4 895,77 
Expenditure communication   6 901,96    10 964,26 
Expenditure search for investors   6 794,69    87 457,25 
Travel expenses   3 654,89    43 193,88 
Expenditure for advertising, operational donations and presentation   2 377,53    8 363,28 
Transportation expenses   1 632,54    6 862,47 
Expenditure for maintenance, operating costs   1 544,04    3 233,25 
IT Expenses   994,20    687,50 
Charges on monetary transactions   971,70    1 289,64 
Expenses for office supplies   420,60    1 923,71 
Membership dues   137,50    0,00 
Software maintenance   133,91    0,00 
Training and development   0,00    3 816,76 
Fees and charges   0,00    2 240,00 
Various operating expenses   0,09    27,37 
   508 311,16   404 074,31 


6.  Subtotal of items 1 through 5 (Operating result)   2020    EUR    -468 049,08 
       2019    EUR    -921 197,98 


7. Other interest and similar income      


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Interest income from bank balances   34,31    70,40 
Interest income from discounting of long-term provisions   0,00    24 346,27 
   34,31   24 416,67 



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  Notes on the balance sheet and income  
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H. statement  


8.Interest and similar expenses




   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Interest expense non-current provisions   64 762,57    0,00 
Interest on loans   4 152,00    8 327,00 
    68 914,57    8 327,00 


9.  Subtotal from items 7 through 8 (Financial result)   2020    EUR    -68 880,26 
    2019    EUR    16 089,67 


10. Earnings before taxes (Total from items 6 and 9)   2020    EUR    -536 929,34 
    2019    EUR    -905 108,31 


11. Taxes on income    


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Corporate income tax   1 000,00    875,00 


12. Earnings after taxes   2020    EUR    -537 929,34 
    2019    EUR    -905 983,31 


13. Net loss for the year   2020    EUR    -537 929,34 
    2019    EUR    -905 983,31 


14. Release of capital reserves      


   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Release of other (unrestricted) reserves   0,00    2 561 963,93 


15.Loss carried forward from previous year




   2020   2019 
   EUR   EUR 
Loss carried forward from the previous year   -3 255 628,38     -4 911 609,00 


16. Accumulated loss   2020    EUR    -3 793 557,72 
    2019    EUR    -3 255 628,38